IRIX 6.5 Applications 2002 November
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 2002 November.iso
Text File
467 lines
# Copyright 2002, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
# the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
# duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
# permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
# Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
# as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
# and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
# successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
# rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
# Creates buildable SGML source from parent SGML file and components.
# Called by commondocrules for "make book" operation.
# Requires perl5 to run correctly.
$| = 1;
### Subroutine to run system command lines, check for errors, & issue messages
### $1 - $n = The system command lines to run
sub RunIt {
my($CmdLine) = @_;
my($ECode) = 0;
$ECode = system ("$CmdLine");
if ($ECode) {
if ($ECode > 255) { $ECode /= 256 ; }
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $ECode from:\n\t$CmdLine\n" ;
### Cleans up SGML files: Removes Adept processing instructions and joins
### tags broken across lines
### $1 = Name of file
### $2 = String containing one complete SGML file
sub CleanUp {
my ($FileName, $Buff) = @_ ;
my (@Tmp, $Ent, %Tmp, @Ents, $Tmp) ;
### change the \r\n output from spam into single carriage-returns
$$Buff =~ s\r\r\n\ng ; ## sometimes two \r passthru by spam
$$Buff =~ s\r\n\ng ;
$$Buff =~ s\rg ;
### Join line-broken tags:
## SGML allows this: <section
## id="thing1"
## >
## But processing in scripts simplified if < to > on one line.
while ($$Buff =~ s#(<[^>]+)[\n]#$1 #g)
{ $NoOp = 1 ; }
### Delete all SGML-standard comments:
$$Buff =~ s#<!--.*?-->##gs;
$$Buff =~ s#<!>##gs ;
### Change all carriage-return processing instructions to newline elements:
$$Buff =~ s#<\?Pub\s*_(newline>)#<$1#g ;
### Remove Adept processing instructions:
$$Buff =~ s#\n<\?[^>]+>\n#\n#g ;
$$Buff =~ s#<\?[^>]+>##g ;
### Fix <stuff> problem for mkbook parser:
## first change all <sgmltag> to SGML_TAGOsgmltagSGML_TAGC :
$$Buff =~ s#<([^>]*)>#SGML_TAGO$1SGML_TAGC#gs ;
## change leftover > chars to > :
$$Buff =~ s#>#>#gs ;
## change delimiters back:
$$Buff =~ s#SGML_TAGO#<#gs ;
$$Buff =~ s#SGML_TAGC#>#gs ;
# todo: verify this is needed
### Change certain character entities to literals (stylesheet bugs):
$$Buff =~ s–-gs ;
$$Buff =~ s—--gs ;
$$Buff =~ s gs ;
$$Buff =~ s…...gs ;
### Change entityref values to include .gif extension:
## Might have <graphic entityref="abc" magnification="90"></graphic>
## or have <graphic magnification="90" entityref="abc"></graphic>
$$Buff =~ s#<graphic([^>]*)entityref\s*=\s*\"([^"]*)\"#<graphic$1entityref=\"$2.gif\"#igs ;
## Adept editor makes specific breaks around inline tags within
## a literal block when line wraps are inserted due to the
## outputrecordlength (orl) setting. Reverse these changes
## to ensure the proper formatting for other processing applications
my($data) = $$Buff;
$$Buff = '';
while($data =~ m#<(programlisting|screen|literallayout|synopsis)([^>]*>)(.*?)(</\1>)#ms) {
$$Buff .= $`;
$literal = '<' . $1 . $2 . $3 . $4;
$data = $';
# If a close tag starts a line within a literal block
# move it back to the end of the previous line.
$literal =~ s#([^\n])\n</#$1</#msg;
$literal =~ s#([^\n])\n\n</#$1\n</#msg;
# If an open tag ends a line within a literal block
# move the next line to follow immediately after
$literal =~ s#(<[^/][^>]*?>)\n#$1#msg;
$$Buff .= $literal;
$$Buff .= $data;
### Returns content of a tag pair
### $1 = Array index at which to start looking
### $2 = tag name (SGML requires case-insensitive match)
### $3 = Array in which to search
sub GetTagContent {
my ($I, $Tag, $Buff) = @_ ;
my ($J, $Content, ) ;
while ( ($$I <= $#$Buff) && ($$Buff[$$I] !~ m<$$Tag\bi) )
$$I++ ;
$J = $$I ;
while ( ($J <= $#$Buff) && ($$Buff[$J] !~ m</$$Tag\bi) )
$J++ ;
if ($$I == $J)
$Content = $$Buff[$$I] ;
$Content = join (' ', @$Buff[$$I..$J]) ;
$Content =~ s/\n/ /g ;
$Content =~ s^.*<$$Tag[^>]*>(.*)</$$Tag.*$1i ;
$Content =~ s/ +/ /g ;
$Content =~ s/^ +// ;
$Content =~ s/ +$// ;
return ($Content) ;
### Returns value for an attribute of an element
### $1 = Array index at which to start looking
### $2 = tag name (SGML requires case-insensitive match)
### $3 = attribute name (SGML requires case-insensitive match)
### $4 = Array in which to search
sub GetAttValue {
my ($I, $Tag, $AttribName, $Buff) = @_ ;
my ($J, $TagContent, $AttValue) ;
### Find the element (tag might be lowercase or uppercase)
while ( ($$I <= $#$Buff) && ($$Buff[$$I] !~ m<$$Tag\bi) )
$$I++ ;
$J = $$I ;
while ( ($J <= $#$Buff) && ($$Buff[$J] !~ m</$$Tag\bi) )
$J++ ;
if ($$I == $J)
$TagContent = $$Buff[$$I] ;
$TagContent = join (' ', @$Buff[$$I..$J]) ;
$TagContent =~ s/\n/ /g ;
$TagContent =~ s^.*<$$Tag([^>]*)>.*$1i ;
($AttValue = $TagContent) =~ s^.*\s$$AttribName\s*=\s*\"([^"]*)\".*$1i ;
return ($AttValue) ;
### Gets information from book SGML file
### $1 = Book name; returned by this routine
### $2 = Complete publication number; returned by this routine
### $3 = Book's version; returned by this routine
### $4 = Book's Title; returned by this routine
### $5 = Book's shorttitle attribute; returned by this routine
### $6 = Book's bookshelf attribute; returned by this routine
### $7 = Array of lines from text of book file
sub GetBookInfo {
my ($BookName, $PartNo, $Version, $Title, $ShortTitle,
$BookShelf, $BuffSGML) = @_ ;
my ($ClassCode, $Base, $Answer, $I, $AttribName, $Tag,
$PartInfo, $Tmp, @Tmp, $ChapSuffix) ;
undef $$BookName ;
undef $$PartNo ;
undef $ClassCode ;
undef $Base ;
undef $$Version ;
undef $$ShortTitle ;
undef $$BookShelf ;
## DRD Future version:
## Need to check value in the SGML file against the one in the Makefile. If not
## the same, ask user if the value in the Makefile should be used.
## Default = yes (need to be able to use Makefile to override values in the SGML file.
if (grep (/<partnumber\b/i, @$BuffSGML))
$I = 0 ;
$Tag = 'partnumber' ;
$PartInfo = &GetTagContent (\$I, \$Tag, $BuffSGML) ;
$I = 0 ;
$Tag = 'partnumber' ;
$AttribName = 'shorttitle' ;
$$ShortTitle = &GetAttValue (\$I, \$Tag, \$AttribName, $BuffSGML) ;
($ClassCode = $PartInfo) =~ s^.*<classcode[^>]*>(.*)</classcode>.*$\1i ;
($Base = $PartInfo) =~ s^.*<base[^>]*>(.*)</base>.*$\1i ;
($$Version = $PartInfo) =~ s^.*<version[^>]*>(.*)</version>.*$\1i ;
$$PartNo = "${ClassCode}-${Base}-$$Version" ;
print "\n$Name: Only for processing entire book! \n" ;
## Get "title" (full title)
$I = 0 ;
$Tag = 'title' ;
$$Title = &GetTagContent (\$I, \$Tag, $BuffSGML) ;
$$Title =~ s/\&[^;]+;//g ; ### Remove any character entities
$$BookName = $$PartNo ;
##### MAIN #####
$[ = 0 ;
($Name = $0) =~ s^.*/ ;
select((select(STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]) ; ### No buffering of stdout for messages
$Usage = "
Usage: $Name [-draft] [-numheads] -I<inputfile> -O<outputfile>
Draft version; keep the comments and revision indicators
for reviewers in displayed version (InSight or the
'post4review' DynaWeb copies).
Inserts the numheads=Y attribute on the <sgidocbk>
tag for use by the stylesheets
Name of the .tmp SGML file generated by 'spam' in the
current book's working directory.
Name of the final buildable source file, by convention
the <shorttitle>.sgml name.
$Name -draft -IFSafe_IG.sgml.tmp -OFSafe_IG.sgml
" ;
## definitions
$DraftVersion = 0 ; ## flag for draft or final (default is final; strip <comment> elements)
$NumberedHeads = 0;
$Indexer = "$ENV{'TOOLROOT'}/usr/share/Insight/bin/indexgen_sgidocbk";
$XformSGML_public = "$ENV{'TOOLROOT'}/usr/share/Insight/bin/xformsgml_public";
$TmpFile = "tmp_make_bldsgml.$$" ; ## temporary file(s) created and deleted
## by this script
if (! @ARGV) {
print STDERR "$Usage";
while (@ARGV) {
$Arg = shift (@ARGV) ;
if ("$Arg" eq '-draft')
$DraftVersion = 1 ;
elsif ($Arg eq '-numheads')
$NumberedHeads = 1;
elsif ($Arg =~ /^-I.+/)
$Arg =~ s/^-I// ;
push (@Files, "$Arg") ;
$InputFile = $Arg ;
elsif ($Arg =~ /^-O.+/)
$Arg =~ s/^-O// ;
push (@Files, "$Arg") ;
$OutputFile = $Arg ;
elsif ($Arg =~ /^-/) {
print STDERR "\n\aUnrecognized option, '$Arg'$Usage" ;
if ("$InputFile" eq '') {
print STDERR "$Usage" ;
if ("$OutputFile" eq '') {
print STDERR "$Usage" ;
if (! @Files) {
print STDERR "$Usage" ;
if (! $DraftVersion) {
print "\nPreparing buildable source SGML for FINAL version.\n";
} else {
print "\nPreparing buildable source SGML for DRAFT version.\n";
### Clean up the SGML instance:
print "Preparing SGML instance for processing.\n" ;
if (! open (FileI, "$InputFile")) {
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $InputFile\n" ;
$Buff = join('', <FileI>);
close (FileI) ;
$FileName = "$InputFile" ;
&CleanUp (\$FileName, \$Buff) ;
if (! (open (FileZ, "> $TmpFile"))) {
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $TmpFile\n" ;
print FileZ join ('', $Buff) ;
close (FileZ) ;
### Make public version of file if not making draft version.
## Replace TmpFile with public version.
if (! $DraftVersion) {
$ErrorCode = system ("$XformSGML_public -I$TmpFile -O$TmpFile.2");
if (! $ErrorCode) {
system ("rm -f $TmpFile");
system ("mv $TmpFile.2 $TmpFile");
### Build the writer's (back-of-book) index:
## (This is specific for Insight.)
print "Generating book index.\n" ;
&RunIt ("$Indexer -i $TmpFile -o $TmpFile.idx") ;
### Put generated index into SGML instance:
print "Integrating book index.\n";
## Get the book info from the SGML instance:
if (! open (FileA, "$TmpFile")) {
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $TmpFile\"\n" ;
undef $/ ;
@BuffSGML = <FileA> ;
close (FileA) ;
$/ = "\n" ;
&GetBookInfo (\$BookName, \$PartNo, \$Version, \$Title,
\$ShortTitle, \$BookShelf, \@BuffSGML) ;
### Compare shorttitle from SGML with value from Makefile:
($InputShortTitle = $OutputFile) =~ s#(.*).sgml#\1#;
if ("$InputShortTitle" ne "$ShortTitle")
print "\n\nCAUTION! The short title in the Makefile is different" ;
print "\nthan the value in the SGML file." ;
print "\n Short title from Makefile = $InputShortTitle " ;
print "\n Short title from SGML = $ShortTitle " ;
print "\nContinuing, but using value from Makefile.\n\n" ;
### Open the "indexless" SGML instance:
if (! open (FileS, "$TmpFile")) {
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $TmpFile.2\"\n" ;
$Buff1 = join('', <FileS>);
close (FileS);
## Open the index file:
if (! open (FileB, "$TmpFile.idx")) {
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $TmpFile.idx\"\n" ;
$Buff2 = join('', <FileB>);
close (FileB);
### Insert the index into the SGML file:
$Buff1 =~ s#<index>\s*</index>#$Buff2#i;
### Change shorttitle attribute value to Makefile value:
$Buff1 =~ s#<partnumber([^>]*)shorttitle\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"#<partnumber$1shorttitle=\"$InputShortTitle\"#ig ;
# add the NUMHEADS attribute to <sgidocbk> if needed
if($NumberedHeads == 1) {
$Buff1 =~ s/(<sgidocbk)/\1 NUMHEADS="Y"/i;
## Open the final shorttitle.sgml output file:
if (! (open (FileZ, "> $OutputFile"))) {
print STDERR "\a\n$Name: $Outputfile\n" ;
print FileZ $Buff1;
close (FileZ);
### Remove temporary files:
unlink "$TmpFile" ;
unlink "$TmpFile.idx" ;
print "Buildable source SGML done.\n\n" ;